04 January, 2006


I finally decided that, when on the computer, sitting on a wooden chair with only the thinnest of padding protecting my rear was getting to be uncomfortable (so are the sandflies that make it through the flyscreen windows to feast on me, but that is another story). So, when in one of the dollar stores today, I saw some pretty cushy cushions on sale for $8 each. So I got 4. But instead of $32, the girl charged me $8 - said they had been further reduced to $2 each!! I would have got (gotten?) more, but I could only carry 4 on my bike (can't wait for that car!!!). They may not be the most becoming chair cushions, but my bum is so much happier. And I would never get around to making any decent ones myself.

And in other (uninteresting) news...

My gym membership ran out while I was away over the break. I'm trying to decide whether I need to renew it or not. So I went for a run (/walk) this afternoon. Now I hurt. I'm hoping to go swimming tomorrow afternoon. Though the last time I did that (and only managed 100m) I ended up with a cough/cold that I am still trying to shake the last of. And now I suddenly feel ill at the thought of it. So we'll see what happens.... Posted by Picasa


Blogger Alice said...

Cushions look terrific. Did you paint the chairs? They look so nice, too.

Gym membership? Who needs it ... I weeded the garden near the loungeroom today, then spread compost all over, and then spread mulch all over that. Looks good now - maybe even worth a photo in the morning.

9:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as my rear expands the chairs around here are getting more and more uncomfortable..i'm going to make some cushions too. and some curtains. Not that I'm nesting....

4:40 am  

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